All photography provided by Vicky Sparkman
Since 1965 the Lockwood Municipal Golf Course has been a staple of our community.
The Lockwood Municipal Golf Course was built in 1965 with many hours of volunteer labor, donated items and a lot of pride.
Land was donated by Myrtle Smith with the agreement it be used for a park. Nile Amos, Charlie Martin, Jim Dustman and Dr. Harold Bauer began work on the idea of a golf course for Lockwood. They contacted Farmers Home Administration for financial help for the project and decided it would be too expensive.
Local people gave monetary donations and the ground was worked and seeded with the volunteer help of local farmers and farm equipment. The City of Neosho donated plugs for the greens. Meeks Lumber Co. donated a truck and driver to go after the sod. The local football coach and helpers were along to help lead the sod and helped plant it when they got home. The first Greens mower was donated by Hickory Hills Golf Course. Nile Amos was hired as the first greenskeeper.
An irrigation system for the greens was installed in 1971-72 by Ray Abbiatti. Cart sheds were built to rent to cart owners, and carts were made available for rental.
The Lockwood C.I.A. (course improvement association) was Organized in 2017 as a way to bridge the gap between businesses and volunteers to help with raise money for course improvements and equipment.
““Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” “You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” “Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.””
What We've Achieved
A wide open well maintained golf course that doesn't punish the "beginner".
A great place to spend a Saturday morning with friends and family.
A great place to learn how to play golf.
We provide a great course for fundraisers for different charity groups in the surrounding area.